
Found 3 results in 119.2 ms.

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Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903 (23) (person)

Explorer and anthropologist. Explorer and author. African explorer. Paul B. du Chaillu was an explorer, traveler and writer, known for hunting gorillas. Du Chaillu was probably born in France, and traveled with his father to Gabon while in his teens. In 1855 he organized his own expedition, returning to Gabon and collecting the first complete skeleton of a gorilla. He made a third expedition to Gabon an...

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Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni, 1831-1903 (11) (person)

American explorer born in France. Epithet: explorer

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Chaillu, Paul Belloni du, traveller (1) (person)

Epithet: traveller

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